Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Trains on the Go!

Beebies Ambassador Lucy tests out our best selling Toy Land Carry Train Set. "I've written about Potato’s love affair with trains before. It really is true love. I’ve yet to find another toy or activity that occupies him as thoroughly as playing with trains.We regularly have trains joining us for dinner, or watching bath-time, and Potato has been known to fall asleep cuddling an engine.

There are times when I’ve really wished that I had a small selection of track and trains to occupy Potato when we’re out and about too.

This train in a tin from Beebies Baby Store is perfect.The second he ripped off the wrapping paper, he was so excited. “Choo choo! Choo choo!” He knew exactly what it was. All other Christmas present opening was abandoned while we opened the tin and built the track.The tin itself is metal, about the size of a small lunchbox and sturdy. Potato often potters off to the toy box and comes back carrying it, asking for us to play with him.

He even loves just carrying the tin around the house.Inside the tin is everything you need to build a simple 8-piece circular track, with some lovely accessories and a train. There is a little boy, a little girl, a cow, a dog, some roads signs and a tree and shrub. It all fits into the tin perfectly and not in that annoying way that means you can never fit it all back in again once you’ve taken it out for the first time.Everything is made of wood and feels lovely and solid.The track is fully compatible with all the other standard wooden train sets (Brio, Bigjigs, ELC, Thomas etc).

The train consists of an engine and 2 rolling-stock. One is a carriage and the other an oil tanker. The barrel of oil can be removed from it’s truck and Potato takes great delight in taking in on and off, honing his fine motor skills at the same time.We’ve decided to keep this set separate from the rest of our track and trains. Having a complete set in a tin is so handy. It’s already come with us to my parents several times and we’ll be taking it on holiday with us lots this year. It’s light and compact enough not to be an unrealistic addition to our luggage and will make a little boy very happy.Available for £19.99 from Beebies Baby Store, I think this Train in a Tinis pretty good value for money

Find out more about Lucy & Potato at .

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