Sunday, 21 September 2014

Beebies Ambassador Announcement

So here we are... Sunday night... #BabyHour and time for me to announce our two new Ambassador Families! 

I am totally overwhelmed with the amount of applications we received - what a lot of love for Beebies! 

Having read all of the applications, visited all of your blogs and had a good old read through I've finally come to a decision. You really didnt make it easy for me ;)

 I am very pleased to announce that the new ambassadors are.... 

 **Drum Roll Please** 


Congratulations ladies and welcome to the #welovebeebies team! Your Ambassador packs will be on their way to your inboxes very soon! 

 photo BeebiesAmbassadorBadge_zpsa36e561b.png

I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who applied and shared their love of Beebies. 
Head over to and take advantage of the 15% discount code she has for you there.