It's so
exciting waiting for your new arrival and choosing all of the lovely things for
the nursery, but when it comes to choosing a cot it can be quite a tricky task!
With so many lovely cots and cribs to choose from? How do you know which is
perfect for you and your family and most importantly - a happy baby bedtime?
A happy
baby bedtime

There are
some lovely cribs and moses baskets available and choosing is really a matter
of personal taste, but again, ensure it's safe and it's advisable to get one
where the dressing or interior is fully removable and machine washable. There
are often a few messy moments with newborns - so anything that can be washed is
a bonus!
When your little one is ready to move to a cot, I'd always
advise investing in a good cot-bed.
A cot bed is a cot that adapts into a bed as your baby grows up
and becomes a toddler. It’s well worth investing in a cot-bed as it could last
you from birth right up to five years! In fact this beautiful one (link over
the words to the cot) lasts up to teen! How amazing is that?

It's also important to mention here to always use a new mattress for a new baby. Even if your baby has a sibling, don’t be tempted to use their
old mattress. The phrase
I always tell new parents is 'new baby – new mattress.'
As well as considering the design and look of the bed you
choose, ensure it conforms to British Safety Standards (BSeN716). The
regulations are there for a reason and they will help keep your baby safe!
forget to measure the space where it will go – cot-beds are larger than cots,
so check the measurements before ordering your final choice!
A safe baby bedtime
When planning your baby’s room, ensure the cot isn’t near a
radiator or sunny window. Babies are less able to regulate their body
temperature so may overheat quickly. This
is one of the most common causes of night waking – but it can also put your
baby at risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (link here
to NHS)
wanting to worry you, it's important to talk about safe sleeping when talking
about a happy baby bedtime. All the evidence from every source
around the world suggests that placing your baby on their back at the beginning
of every sleep or nap significantly reduces the risk of SIDS.
If your baby is in a cot, make sure they can’t wriggle down
under their blanket by putting them in the ‘feet to foot’ position with their
feet at the bottom of the cot, rather than their head at the top.
By following these simple steps from The Lullaby Trust, you’ll
be taking the most proactive measures you can to ensure your baby is sleeping
as safely as possible:
• You should always place your baby on their
back to sleep and not on
their front or side - unless your doctor has advised
you of a medical reason to do so.
• If your baby has rolled onto their tummy, you
should turn them onto
their back again.
• Once your baby can roll from back to front and
back again, on their
own, they can be left to find their own position.
The information isn’t intended to frighten you, it’s simply a
guide to help parents avoid the dangers associated with SIDS and essential that
I mention it when talking about a happy baby bedtime.
Finally – when choosing bedding for your baby, think empty bed!
Sounds silly, but the emptier the cot the safer the sleep.
It's tempting to choose pretty cot bumpers, teddies and quilts,
but its advisable to keep the cot as clear as possible. It's not advisable to
use quilts or pillows until your baby moves to a bed when they are older. If
you need to use a blanket – always ensure it is tucked in snuggly and no higher
than waist height.
Baby sleeping bags are much safer than quilts (which can cause little ones to over-heat.) Babies
can also move underneath quilts whereas sleeping bags are fitted snuggly to
their body – offering both comfort and
safer sleeping.
whichever cot you choose for a happy baby bedtime – make sure it's safe,
comfortable and is right for you and your family.
My book
'The Baby Bedtime Book' is a gentle sleep guide full of useful tips for a happy
baby bedtime and available from Amazon here.
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